Friday, September 26, 2008

Oh Yeah.....

...What's with all these chicks leaving their kids in the back seat of the car and killing them? Seriously? They are not getting charged with anything? Are you f*cking kidding me? "Oh we're not going to charge them because there was no ill intent". Huh? Are you not at the very least guilty of neglect? How can you spend eight hours at work and not think of your child one time? Not come to the realization that your kids still buckled in the backseat of the car. What a cop out. I'll bet if these were black or poor white women they would be in prison. But because they are professionals it was an accident. People leave their kids in the car to run in to a store and get charged with endangering. There is something really freakin' wrong here. I'm done.


Special K said...

so no touchy feely posts here, eh?

Welcome to the blogosphere.

Carla said...

You don't think that is touchy feely Kris? :op

I think they should be charged with stupidity and poor judgement.

I have 5 kids and I have yet to forget one of them in the car. Thought about maybe purposely dropping them off on the side of the road, but never forgot them.