Friday, October 31, 2008


How's this for a Halloween fright: Obama may be our next President. If that does not scare the sh*t out of you, nothing will! I wonder if I should turn in my money and guns now, to avoid the lines.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Is He Your Guy?

*disclaimer: Publisher of blog not responsible for any hurt feelings or anger you may experience

Just because you may be black it does not give you the right to be racist or associate with people who are racist. If he were a white man in the same situation he would be condemned for his actions. He would not be a candidate for president. Think about it. Do you want to vote for this guy?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Let's Get This Straight

Okay, okay, there has been some confusion going on that I should clear up. I am not, nor have I ever been a Democrat. But I am not a Republican. I don't vote along party lines, I vote for the person I feel is best for the job. I just was not a fan of Bush, hence the picture and caption to the right. I'm not a big fan of John Mccain, but I definitely don't think the other side is right. Here are just a few reasons why.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Say It Ain't So, Joe

The video is a little blurry, so I couldn't tell if this is Joe Biden, or Will Ferrell from "Old School". "We're streaking!". There are a lot of people who don't like Palin. Is this guy any better, seriously? We need someone who can help run the country, not guard the keg at a frat party. No wonder they don't let him say much! Lay off the sauce, Joe!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just An Observation

Am I the only one who thinks Joe Biden is like the Dan Quayle of the Democrats? This guy says some loopy, off the wall things. They better put a muzzle on that genius before he does some real damage. Not that I care, since I am voting for Ross Perot! Welcome, all my new visitors. I hope the things you read here will inspire you to greatness in your daily life and.... I can't even keep a straight face. Maybe you'll get a good laugh, at least!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Like It Hot

This year I'm participating in the "Sweat Your Ass Off" challenge. It's about turning your heat up, damn the consequences. Check it out. One reason is the price of gas is down right now, so let's use it up! Another reason is being wasteful and selfish is the American way! I've got my thermostat set on 80 degrees, and I'm running around in shorts and flip flops. When I get the super high bill, I'll just put it on my credit card, then default on it and blame Wall Street. I'm really not worried because Obama is going to save us all. The Socialists are coming!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Time Warner Sucks

Just thought I would get that out there, in case you were not aware. Their customer service is on par with the IRS. They can't get a technician to me to fix the piece of sh*t cable box I just exchanged, because my old one was also a piece of sh*t, until Saturday. But since I have been unhappy with my service, because it sucks, and want to take my business elsewhere, they can send someone tomorrow to disconnect me. What? How's that for customer service? Let me say this again in case you missed it. They can't send someone to make my cable work until Saturday. But they can send someone to make my cable NOT work tomorrow. How f*cking backwards is that? And do you know what the tech on the phone said when I told her I wanted to shut off my service? "I don't blame you". Well la di frickin' da. Can you believe it? No "I'm sorry sir, what can we do to make this right, and keep you as a valued customer"? She practically encouraged me to dump them. What a crappy company. If anyone has actually been happy with their service over the years, and thinks it is fairly priced, please let me know so I can set you straight!

Friday, October 10, 2008

What The Hell!

Alright, this is getting ridiculous. Is this the best guy the Republicans could come up with? Seriously? I don't want to vote for Obama (the messiah), but if I have to hear about being a f*cking maverick one more time, I'm gonna blow my damn brains out. Has this guy seen "Top Gun" too many times or what? Maybe we should start calling Sarah Palin "Goose". Obama can be the "Iceman". Wait, this is kind of fun. Maybe things aren't so bad. I must be as crazy as Tom Cruise. I'm gonna go downstairs and jump on the couch!

Monday, October 6, 2008

On a Rare Positive Note

Happy Birthday goes out to mom! The big 6-0. Hope it was fun. Keep on truckin'.

p.s. even lunatics have mothers.

A Moment of Clarity

Just to clear things up for some people, who seem to be confused; Barack Hussein Obama is not Jesus Christ. Honestly. You're welcome.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lumpy For President

That's right. I'm running. My campaign slogan: "We Need To Change The Country First". Catchy, huh? My other slogan: "Trust me with your life, but not your money or your wife". Get out there and vote!

They Both Suck!

Here we are, stuck with 2 guys, neither one competent to be president. Hence the title of my post. I'm sure my opinion is not popular, but it is the only one that counts HERE! Now don't get crazy and think I'm voting for Ralph Nader or anything. I just happen to be very disappointed with our choices. This makes me sort of impartial, so I can look at both candidates and see through their bullsh*t. I haven't been sucked in with any of their "I'm gonna save America" speeches. "Country First"? "Change We Need"? Give me a break. Neither of these guys are thinking about "Country First", nor are they the "Change We Need"! The people who are most qualified for the job don't want it. So what do I do? Do I go on election day and wince when I pull the lever for the guy I think sucks less? Do I not vote at all? Do I write myself in? Do I pick up and move to Costa Rica, and just say screw it? So many questions, not enough answers. How much different do you think your life will be with one candidate over the other? I mean come on. What was different under Bush that we didn't have with Clinton? Other than that whole Iraq war thing that is still dragging on after 5 years and seems to be going nowhere and.... wait, bad example. So whatever, maybe I'll flip a coin, or do rock, paper, scissors or something. Either way, I can't go right!