Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Like It Hot

This year I'm participating in the "Sweat Your Ass Off" challenge. It's about turning your heat up, damn the consequences. Check it out. One reason is the price of gas is down right now, so let's use it up! Another reason is being wasteful and selfish is the American way! I've got my thermostat set on 80 degrees, and I'm running around in shorts and flip flops. When I get the super high bill, I'll just put it on my credit card, then default on it and blame Wall Street. I'm really not worried because Obama is going to save us all. The Socialists are coming!


Special K said...

What are you smokin'?

Oh yeah... that's right.

Miche said...

hahahah! You had me laughing at the computer, that was nice and made a good point. Only you alone can be held responsible for your actions-my mom used to ask "if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?" All this credit and economy mess falls back on the people that felt they didnt need to pay their debts. It doesn't matter that they had the option of getting a loan they couldn't afford-they should have been responsible enough to realize they couldn't afford it, and thus, not jump off the bridge just to "keep up with the jones'"

anyways, hilarious! I found your blog from your sister's.